
I am Roshaan, a student and public health advocate in Seattle. Before public health, I was a laboratory assistant. I am fluent in English, Urdu, and Hindi.

I am passionate about biostatistics, environmental health, epidemiology, global health, health promotion and behavioral sciences, health education and communication, health equity, and social determinants of health.

Muhammad Roshaan Khan

Bachelor of Science in Public Health

About Me

The Division of Disease Control and Health Statistics/Office of Infectious Disease/HIV Data Assessment Unit

EvergreenHealth Medical Center

My name is Muhammad Roshaan Khan; I hold a Bachelor of Science in Public Health. I have been a part of the Washington State Department of Health and EvergreenHealth for my Capstone Project at Lake Washington Institute of Technology.

My professional interests include epidemiology, studying the patterns, causes, and effects of diseases and other health-related issues in populations, biostatistics; applying statistical methods to public health data to analyze trends and patterns, to make informed decisions, environmental health; address the impact of environmental factors on human health and working towards creating healthier and safer living and working environments, health promotion and behavioral sciences; to develop and implement interventions and programs to promote healthy behaviors, prevent diseases, and improve overall well-being, health education, and communication to create and disseminate health-related information to individuals and communities to empower them to make informed decisions about their health, and health equity and social determinants of health to address health disparities and understanding how social, economic, and environmental factors impact health outcomes.

The roles in my Capstone Project at the Department of Health included collaborating with The Division of Disease Control and Health Statistics/Office of Infectious Disease/HIV Data Assessment Unit. I used Provide software to enhance patient editing and closure processes, ensuring quality assurance standards were met. I also developed and edited a comprehensive manual utilizing Provide software to filter and view client data effectively, improving data accessibility and analysis. By Implementing data-driven strategies to identify trends and patterns in HIV data and facilitating informed decision-making for public health interventions, I assisted in conducting data assessments and analyses to support the development of evidence-based strategies and policies. The roles in my Capstone Project at Evergreen Health involved partnering with the National Association of County and City Health Officials to address oropharynx cancer and establish treatment guidelines, ensuring optimal patient care. I contributed to developing and implementing a guideline to ensure patients receive appropriate and comprehensive treatment for Oropharynx Cancer. I Collaborated with healthcare professionals to collect and analyze epidemiological data, identifying potential risk factors and informing preventive measures. I also conducted literature reviews and synthesized research findings to support evidence-based decision-making in public health initiatives.

Latest Project

Research Paper on Hydraulic Fracturing

About My Capstone Site

The Division of Disease Control and Health Statistics/Office of Infectious Disease/HIV Data Assessment Unit

EvergreenHealth Medical Center

The Department of Health’s mission is to work with others to protect and improve the health of all people in Washington State. Their vision is equity and optimal health for all. The Department of Health values equity, innovation, and engagement. The DOH works continuously to reduce health disparities among vulnerable and underserved communities to achieve health equity throughout Washington. The DOH creates programs and services, implemented in collaboration with local health departments and state, federal, and private partners, to provide comprehensive public health services and programs to the community through a workforce of public health professionals – all dedicated to improving the health and well-being of the public. The Department of Health has nine executive offices that branch out into their respective categories to allow access to contact efficiently. What drew me to this capstone site was its reputation; how the DOH responded to the COVID-19 pandemic was genuinely inspiring. I also strongly believe in their mission and vision of optimal health for all. The government would be an excellent way to make a difference and support the public health of those in need.


EvergreenHealth's mission is to advance the health of its community through dedication to high-quality, safe, compassionate, and cost-effective health care. Their vision is to create an inclusive community health system, the most trusted source for health care solutions. The values of EvergreenHealth are compassion, respect, excellence, collaboration, and accountability. They aim to work together to enrich the health and well-being of every life they touch. As a public hospital district, EvergreenHealth's staff are guided by their purpose, mission, vision, and values, ensuring the community is top of mind with every decision they make. By identifying the community's growing needs, they have proactively invested in projects like the Family Maternity Center and the Intensive Care Unit, which will become even more essential as the community ages and expands. In addition to growth projects, EvergreenHealth invests in community partners who address residents' top concerns like mental health and education. EvergreenHealth focuses on the community and community needs, unlike other hospitals, because they are one of the few independent hospitals in the region. They are not run by a national healthcare corporation or otherwise affiliated religiously or with another organization, giving them the ability to put all their efforts into serving diverse residents with equal access to high-value care. Every major financial decision needs approval from the board of publicly elected commissioners. Residents can also directly weigh in on these decisions during the public comment period at the beginning of monthly board meetings. People can also see how the system is performing financially by looking at the annual report, which is released annually and gives a detailed overview of how funds were directed and used to benefit the patients and the district's residents. What drew me to this capstone site was its reputation; EvergreenHealth has been recognized with America's 50 Best Hospitals Award, America's 250 Best Hospitals Award, and Patient Safety Excellence Award. I also strongly believe in their mission and vision of creating an inclusive community health system that is the most trusted source for healthcare solutions and that a patient's health and wellness are the sole priority. EvergreenHealth would be an excellent way to support the health and well-being of minorities and the impoverished.


Latest Project

Research Paper on Hydraulic Fracturing

What I Accomplished

The Division of Disease Control and Health Statistics/Office of Infectious Disease/HIV Data Assessment Unit

EvergreenHealth Medical Center

I have deleted patient ID’s so the table starts at Dx Date instead of Accession #


Using Provide Enterprise software, I collected and analyzed data on clients. I first watched my supervisor demonstrate how to use Provide; I then practiced using Provide; finally, I switched the mode to “Production” and began to enter and collect data. Using Provide was similar to Microsoft Excel; everything was in order and had a flow. I found myself very comfortable using the Provide software. My next project was to develop and edit a manual using Provide; with my knowledge, applying the experience to aid in creating a manual was simple.


The project focused on utilizing the Provide Enterprise software to collect and analyze client data. The objective was to learn and become proficient in using Provide for data management and documentation. The results of the project demonstrated the successful attainment of the set goals, showcasing the capabilities and effectiveness of Provide. After gaining confidence in using Provide, I transitioned to the "Production" mode to start entering and collecting data. The software's structured approach and orderly workflow facilitated efficient data entry and management. With Provide, I experienced a sense of comfort and ease while handling client data, ensuring accuracy and maintaining data integrity throughout the process. I was able to collect data on each patient. With this experience, I created a manual for "Provide" regarding effectively filtering and viewing client data, improving data accessibility and analysis.


Completing the project to utilize Provide Enterprise has yielded significant outcomes and showcased its effectiveness in data management and document creation. Through guided demonstrations, hands-on practice, and real-world application, I have acquired proficiency in using Provide and successfully collected and analyzed client data. Provide's user-friendly interface and logical organization have contributed to a comfortable and efficient working experience, resembling popular tools like Microsoft Excel. The successful utilization of Provide has streamlined the data collection and analysis process, improving the overall efficiency and accuracy of client management. I have enhanced productivity and ensured data integrity throughout the project. Additionally, the project's deliverables, such as the developed and edited manual, serve as valuable resources that can be utilized to guide future data management tasks. Looking ahead to the next steps for my Capstone Project, with a strong understanding of Provide and its functionalities, I can now delve into more complex data management tasks, such as implementing advanced analytics and visualization techniques. Furthermore, I can expand my expertise in document creation and develop comprehensive manuals and guides to assist in training and onboarding new users of Provide. The capstone project provided an opportunity to build upon the knowledge and skills acquired during this project and apply them to a broader context.


Using I used Excel to collect, enter, and analyze data on patients with oropharynx cancer using the National Comprehensive Cancer Network guidelines. I completed thorough readings of the guidelines to ensure I collected the data correctly. With this knowledge and my previous experience as a certified nursing assistant, I successfully collected, entered, and analyzed the data.


I thoroughly read the NCCN guidelines and ensured that the data collected aligned with the recommended standards and criteria for oropharynx cancer patients. This attention to detail is crucial to maintain the accuracy and reliability of the data. My previous experience as a certified nursing assistant gave me valuable insights into patient care and the ability to collect data effectively. This combination of knowledge from the NCCN guidelines and my healthcare background contributed to my success in collecting, entering, and analyzing the data. Analyzing the data I collected using Excel enables us to derive meaningful insights and identify patterns or trends within the patient population with oropharynx cancer. This analysis includes statistical calculations, such as calculating frequencies and proportions and conducting more advanced statistical tests to assess associations or outcomes.


The impact of the project results on oropharynx cancer is significant in several ways. By collecting, entering, and analyzing data on patients with oropharynx cancer using the NCCN guidelines, my project contributes to a deeper understanding of this specific cancer type. The analysis of the data can be used to uncover valuable insight into patient demographics, disease characteristics, treatment modalities, and outcomes. My project reveals patterns and trends in treatment approaches and their associated outcomes through data analysis. This information can help identify the most effective treatments for oropharynx cancer, potential areas for improvement, and factors influencing treatment success. By ensuring that the data collection aligns with the NCCN guidelines, my project assesses the adherence of healthcare providers to the recommended standards of care. This evaluation highlights areas where guideline implementation can be improved to enhance patient outcomes and ensure consistent and evidence-based practice. The next step for my capstone project is dissemination and publication; by sharing the project's findings through EvergreenHealth and the NCCN through conferences, I can disseminate my work to contribute to the scientific community's knowledge base and promote further research and collaboration.

What I Learned

The Division of Disease Control and Health Statistics/Office of Infectious Disease/HIV Data Assessment Unit

EvergreenHealth Medical Center

I learned to use Provide Enterprise software, I was able to utilize my technical writing and discovered that I am proficient in writing manuals. I am a visual learner, so it was beneficial when my supervisor demonstrated what to do and allowed me to practice. I overcame obstacles by asking for help when I was unsure or confused. I also met with my supervisor every few days to touch base and show them what I was working on. The next step I see for myself is to stay proficient with Provide and not forget the new skills I have learned.

I learned about the NCCN guidelines and learned a lot about oropharynx cancer. I utilized my Microsoft Excel skills to create a detailed record of each patient who received care in EvergreenHealth related to oropharynx cancer. I had several readings to do before getting started to gain background knowledge, but these readings assisted in creating a valuable record. Last quarter, the Public Health Data Management and Analysis class I took also helped me use Microsoft Excel. The next step I see for myself is to wait for the NCCN conference to attend and display my work.


Brown, Nash, S., Connor, N., Kirwan, P., Ogaz, D., Croxford, S., De Angelis, D., & Delpech, V. (2018). Towards elimination of HIV transmission, AIDS and HIV‐related deaths in the UK. HIV Medicine, 19(8), 505–512. https://doi.org/10.1111/hiv.12617

Caudell, J. J., Gillison, M. L., Maghami, E., Spencer, S., Pfister, D. G., Adkins, D., Birkeland, A. C., Brizel, D. M., Busse, P. M., Cmelak, A. J., Colevas, A. D., Eisele, D. W., Galloway, T., Geiger, J. L., Haddad, R. I., Hicks, W. L., Hitchcock, Y. J., Jimeno, A., Leizman, D., Mell, L. K., … Darlow, S. D. (2022). NCCN Guidelines® Insights: Head and Neck Cancers, Version 1.2022. Journal of the National Comprehensive Cancer Network: JNCCN, 20(3), 224–234. https://doi.org/10.6004/jnccn.2022.0016

Loermann, Kolb, M., Prascevic, D., Siemert, J., Wiegand, S., Zebralla, V., Pirlich, M., Stöhr, M., Dietz, A., Wald, T., & Wichmann, G. (2022). High-Risk Human Papillomavirus (HR-HPV) DNA Detection in Mouthwashes for Diagnosis of HPV-Driven Oropharynx Cancer and Its Curative Therapy—A Feasibility Study. Journal of Clinical Medicine, 11(19), 5509–. https://doi.org/10.3390/jcm11195509

Max, Stark, B. B., Sung, H.-Y., & Offen, N. B. (2020). Deaths From Smoking and From HIV/AIDS Among Gay and Bisexual Men in California, 2005–2050. Tobacco Control, 29(3), 305–311. https://doi.org/10.1136/tobaccocontrol-2018-054850

Pfister, D. G., Spencer, S., Adelstein, D., Adkins, D., Anzai, Y., Brizel, D. M., Bruce, J. Y., Busse, P. M., Caudell, J. J., Cmelak, A. J., Colevas, A. D., Eisele, D. W., Fenton, M., Foote, R. L., Galloway, T., Gillison, M. L., Haddad, R. I., Jr., W. L. H., Hitchcock, Y. J., … Darlow, S. D. (2020, July). Head and Neck Cancers, Version 2.2020. NCCN Clinical Practice Guidelines in Oncology. https://jnccn.org/downloadpdf/journals/jnccn/18/7/article-p873.pdf

Sandulache, Wilde, D. C., Sturgis, E. M., Chiao, E. Y., & Sikora, A. G. (2019). A Hidden Epidemic of “Intermediate Risk” Oropharynx Cancer. Laryngoscope Investigative Otolaryngology, 4(6), 617–623. https://doi.org/10.1002/lio2.316